December Newsletter
16th of December
A Chairde (Dear Friends),
Winter Concert 2016
What a fantastic evening we had yesterday for our first ever Winter Concert. We have seen the children blossom and grow throughout the process. We are so excited for our talented children and the opportunity to develop their musical and dramatic talents in the future. They achieved well beyond expectations last night. Well done kids!
I would sincerely like to thank the PA for their time, effort and support. It was great having Segun and Paul accompany the children and Peter for filming and doing the photography for us. Thanks a million!
School Calenders
All pre-ordered school calenders will be available from the office from Monday after school. Sylvia will be available to also take orders for additional copies. Thanks to Aoife and the fantastic job she did on the design.
Winter Holidays
School will close on Thursday 22nd at 12.00 pm and reopen Monday 9th of January. Children are allowed one treat for their lunch on Thursday as we will be having a festive party on the day.
Guided Reading
If any other parents are available from Monday 16th of January from 8.50 am - 9.10 am for 6 weeks will you please email me and I will apply for your Garda vetting.
Kind regards,