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Another busy week in Junior Infants!

Dia dhaoibh a chairde! It is hard to believe we are into our second month of Junior Infants!

This week in Grace Part ETNS we have been very busy. In Maths we learned all about matching items that go together. We matched lots of things in our classroom like books and pencils, cups and saucers and schoolbags and books. We also learned the song 1,2, Buckle my Shoe. Everyday we practice counting to 100, and we are getting very quick!

In Gaeilge we learned all about our Bosca Lóin. It was particurly fun to use our new words at lunch time to chat about what we had in our bosca lóin such as ceapaire, úll, oráiste agus piorra. We learned a new song called 'Cad ata i do bhosca lóin?'. Check out our Facebook page to see Caroline's class in action!

It was a very exciting week this week because we started our Literacy Stations with Dan. We really worked hard at practicing our names using our correct pencil grip. Some of our stations included rainbow writing, playdough and writing our names in salt! We also read the story of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. We sequenced the story using the words First, Then and Last. We discussed our favourite character and favourite part of the story...lots of boys and girls liked Goldilocks eating all the porridge!

Everybody has enjoyed our mindfulness walks throughout our wonderful grounds.

In P.E. we have been learning a yoga sequence with Conor. Yoga helps us to concentrate and focus on our breathing. We have also practiced our balancing skills and ball skills.

Next week we are excited for Outdoor Classroom Day. Keep your eyes out for more updates.

Slán go fóill a chairde!

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