Senior Infants enjoy outdoor classroom day!
Senior Infants had so much fun on outdoor classroom day. We spent the entire day outside in our lovely surroundings exploring nature and learning all of our subjects outside. We had a fun maths trail and enjoyed going on a shape hunt and a number hunt. We spent 2 minutes counting how many cars passed our school on the road. We counted all the way to 20! We were sorting and counting leaves, conkers, acorns and chestnuts. The parts of the tree were explored in S.E.S.E. We learned to care for the nature around our school in L.T. We even had Gaeilge outside learning the Irish names for the animals, the swing and the slide. In SPHE we even looked at how to be safer playing in the playground. To finish the day off we had PE on the pitch where we worked on our kicking and catching skills. We can't wait for the next outdoor classroom day!