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January Update 2018

A Chairde (Dear Friends),

Planning Application

I have been waiting patiently to welcome you all back and to do my January update as I was aware of some exciting news since our return in January. Our planning application for our permanent building has been notified to the national press today. Notice of our planning is in today's Daily Mail. This is testament to you all but especially to our start up committee and campaign group setup in 2012. This is our first milestone reached after months of canvassing. We will have an information evening in the coming weeks where we will display the plans for our fabulous new school.

Winter Concert

I would sincerely like to thank you all for attending and volunteering at our Winter Concert. Ticket sales raised €2,070 for our school. This will assist in the day to day running of our school and enable us to purchase resources for our classes. Well done to all the children and a special thank you to all our staff for their hard work and dedication.

PTA Meeting

Our PTA's next meeting is TONIGHT at 8.00 pm in Caroline's JI Classroom. All parents are welcome.


Just a gentle reminder that school opens at 8.30 am and formal teaching begins at 8.40 am. Roll takes place each morning at 9.00 am. Any children arriving after this time will be marked as late.

Toys and Belongings

Please ensure all your child's belongings are clearly labelled and marked again this term. Please ensure that no toys are brought into school in case of loss or damage.

Guided Reading Senior Infants

Guided reading will begin Monday 26th of February. 3-4 parents per class our required for this initiative to run. Only parents who have been Garda vetted can take part. It will run for 4 weeks from 8.40 am - 9.10 am Monday to Friday. Interested parents should email tony for further information. Garda vetting applications are available from Sylvia

Homework Packs

Please ensure that all homework is completed by Friday and returned to your class teacher. This ensures continuity and reinforcing of class topics at home.


Junior Infants immunizations will take place on Tuesday the 20th of February.

Hearing and Vision Tests for Junior Infants will take place on the 1st, 2nd and 9th of February.

Your class teacher will remind you by email the day before.

Kindest regards,

Is mise le meas,


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